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Jul 18 Written By Ryan Versaw 1 2


Ryan Versaw

           A persona is a way to hold our Child and breath to the People. Persona develops at birth. When we are made, we develop a persona from the image of Man coupled with how an individual is spoken of as a concept. From the body to the face, our physical self converges with the visions given to us by the People we love. The idea of Persona is fed by all that we see. Once a persona develops, the people should not change this form. 

           Personification is the assignment of human traits to an animal or inanimate object. When we personify, we rue together person and thing within a fashion that merges a concept with a person. Characteristics that belong to the People get coupled with the part of this World that formerly only began with a noun. Down there, where the Child is, I see the rue collapse as the person meets the noun. We personify by covering the place that this noun was made. 

           I See a Child I know and love present a toy he brought from his house up the road. Kino holds a model of Thomas the tank engine so that I can see. The blue train steam engine has the features of a train up to the front. A child's face caps the front of the holm in a manner that takes part in both the traits of a train and a boy. Trains and faces of boys are prevalent in My memory within My Child. As I look at the figure crossed with a machine, I hold the train with all I have in mind. I see the face come from the side before merging below my Child. 

           In an effort to gain more from People about how a person develops, I asked Robert Davis, who lives here with me, what he says of the personal self. Robert describes the sense of touch from his thoughts of self at a young age.

           "I can think of that feeling a few times, an abstract feeling, and I do not know what that is," Robert expressed.

           Robert thought of himself at a young age when numbers did not couple with memory. At this age, we are already learning how to speak. Similarly, we are developing a sense of self. Our ability to feel ourselves internally grows here from the day we are made. Suppose this is true; the way that we see ourselves is affected by the way that We are portrayed by People who speak of us. In school Robert had a favorite food. Pizza was his preference. His predicted occupation was Doctor. Thoughts of sex came to him during Junior High School with broad ideas. The sexual urges of Robert were described as natural and animal in nature.

           An element that can be felt in the psyche is Pride, which is connected directly to Persona.

           "There are moments when I would be particularly proud of myself," Robert said.   

           Robert recalls memories in which his Persona grew. In these moments, Robert flourished. When convincing his Mom to leave his Dad, Robert realized what type of person he wanted to be. Robert speaks of actions as the loudest of self. The day that Robert began to confront people was the day that he looked people in the eye. Then was the day that he felt himself. 

           While Nicholas Pick said that he does not sense self, he shows interest in all that is internal. Nicholas speaks of Manga, a form of a pictural story. With pictures that stimulate the Child through the eyes, Nicholas can use this picture as an escape. I asked if he feeds his body and mind. 

           "Not in a healthy way," Nicholas replied.

           From the inside, Nick recalls balling up depression until this feeling broke within him. While sex was never entirely in his mind, Nicholas stated that he recalls sexual urges but never acted upon them. Depression was referred to as a fighter with human ability. 

           "I would fight depression," Nicholas said, "depression wins." 

           Kyle Davidson tells Me that the debate around consciousness is not a good place to start. Self-awareness feeds the Persona as the World is. 

           "I imagine that the first time that I saw something, I was self-aware," Kyle said.

           The concept of a favorite was seen as a fallacy by Kyle. While love of things and People grows at a young age, some people do not have a favorite raised over every other part of the World loved. Favoritism is a concept born from the Persona, and we have this only when asked. Kyle showed how many favorites were on his mind with a single reply. 

           "When I was asked to choose a favorite as a child, say, red over blue, or kiwis over mangoes, it always seemed redundant; selective choices irritate me, picky people are wasteful, wasting the boundless opportunity that life presents. " Kyle said. 

           To personify is to reach Persona from the side with another reference. The psyche already feeds the Persona of our Child from the side. Either personification poisons our psyche or there is another side that the personified noun slides between our eyes that see and our mind. All that gets personified is fed to us through media. Most of what is personified by the individual self is the home. Kyle Davidson showed me this within his response. 

           "Really just My home itself, because it keeps Me warm and keeps Me alive," Kyle said. 

           From the self, each of the people I live with is held close to home or family. Any place that I feel the heat of Persona comes from the side with concentrated word that splices with the breath each of us carries. With this rhetoric comes an offer of meaning with favoritism and concepts given from the exterior of self. The only concept I hold with self is Persona. If you hear me, then reach out to me.

           I am Man.