World War MEME: An abridged history of the Donald administrations white supremacist meme’s

By Kyle Davidson

  • There are 4.76 billion social media users which are 59.4% of the world's population.

  • An average user spends 2 hours and 31 minutes daily on social media.

  • Teens showed an increase in their daily screen time from 7 hours and 22 minutes to 8 hours and 39 minutes.

  • There are 26% of social media platform users are aged 18-29 years.

  • Half of our time on our phones in 2022 is reserved for social media.

  • Facebook is the most popular, costing people an average of 33 minutes each day.(stastica)

Everyone uses a lot of social media; well, not everyone 50% of the world uses social media most users for an average of two and a half hours a day, some up to 8 hours a day. How much or even whether we use social media depends on the individual. The people should observe the influence and scope of the observation of the effects of social media. I decided to limit this to memes shared by a specific individual, Donald Trump. So Donald or Donnie, ex-president, tv show host, worst toupee, child molester fighting superhuman, molester, racist bigot, “least racist person ever”(donald), whatever the world wants to call him has posted a lot of memes some of which may have been posted by his campaign organization but the majority of which are posted by himself.

            Even though donald is constantly using social media, tweeting nearly 25,000 times, it appears he has yet to figure out how to make a meme.

  When analyzing social media and memes, it is important to understand that a classical interpretation of the analyzing this content may be largely irrelevant when considering how this system has created an autonomous propaganda machine in which the model is hardly even propaganda(in a classical sense) and has become the creation of individuals within the public and not entirely, produced by the state or capitalist enterprises. At the same time the state or those at the upper class have a much larger larger following in the creation of Memes; as such the likelihood of success when sharing is greater because of the present influence and attention.

Memes are very broad and complicated and may or may not be harmless, but they always have an intended audience regardless of the individual's own volition. When creating a meme, my thoughts are, "this is funny, cute, smart, or accurate I should share this with people” as an example, here’s a meme I made

(photo and meme Kyle Davidson)

Suppose the meme does not make sense; it's because you are not the target audience, theoretically, at least. The image above makes sense in the context and target audience applied to a weed chat.

Memes are, for the most part, a spontaneous creation of an individual or an organization. The message and intent vary depending on the creator's target audience and social constructs. When viewing social media, the classical interpretations of propaganda models, social constructs,  or theology is, in short, flawed in their ability of an individual's actions to have far-reaching social implications. In many ways, meme culture is the publics' own attempt at news and propaganda, something more than individualistic, a collective organization made of individuals and even clandestine cells (3 to 5 members).

            The target audience, in this case, is some sort of Hitchcock or Wachowski sister's productions, an audience within an audience, or the illusion propagates the illusion. Memes have almost become an alternate reality within reality. Donald doesn't make memes(really), and Donald is the target audience, and he recycles the meme for his target audience. Assuming the lack of some deep state conspiracy tacticians, maybe Donald’s controversial posts are not controversial to him or his target audience, more so a common reaffirmation of the target audience's(Donald, the far right’s) skewed views.

In a way, the difference is a large corporation or government can refine propaganda or media into a potent poison. A highly effective and refined message which is carefully crafted to target certain audiences with an endless series of repetitive themes that intentionally influence public opinion.

A meme, though, is a wild card that everyone generates and propagates. Memes are not limited to social media, and I do not use social media, but I still see memes often.

The New York Times said this is what memes are. I don't expect you to read it is about as long as my already lengthy explanation.

‘In current usage, "meme" refers most often to an image with text overlay, designed for distribution online. They're like the bumper stickers of the digital realm in that any one concept can be endlessly remixed to convey just about any sentiment (Calvin can pee on anything). What began more than a decade ago as a fun way to imagine how cats might talk has evolved into a surprisingly fertile mode of political communication. The online database Know Your Meme has confirmed the existence of some 4,066 successful memes in the wild — including newcomers like Big Chungus, a fake series of video games starring an obese rabbit, and classics like Doge, which featured a shiba inu speaking broken English. The actual number is certainly much higher.

You might find this very silly, and you wouldn’t be wrong. But keep in mind: The president posts them.

All of this represents a long fall from the meme’s origins. The word was coined by the British ethologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book, “The Selfish Gene,” as a way to conceptualize the transmission of culture in biological terms. For Dawkins, a meme, shortened from the Greek mimeme — “an imitated thing” — was a unit of culture, a building block of our mental architecture. “Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs,” Dawkins wrote, “memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain.” They could be as small and short-lived as a tune or catchphrase, he explained, or as large and consequential as “God” and “eternal damnation.”’

Side by side, it is in the way that these cultural expressions, or as Dawkins once put it, is "a building block of mental architecture." It can reveal a deeper insight into the repeater(Donald) and the creator's views or social constructs.

Donald trump jr is seen explaining what he believes the message of this Donald trump sr meme to be. The message here is that the right believes a group of white supremacist conspiracy theorists are the only ones who can save America. The target audience is MAGA voters, and it has almost 11 thousand likes.

(Tweet reshared by Donald during the BLM protests created by a racist white nationalist party(freedom party) in the united states)

In the echo chambers of history, messages of hate, are easily amplified by fame and authority. The current state of the meme wars is no exception within the echo chambers of the internet, the neo-fascist has found a platform from which to generate hate.

 Considering the timing and the mass amount of flat-out lies in this meme, this was Donald’s attempt to amplify hateful or racist messages that supported his violent opposition to the most recent Black civil rights protests. 98% of votes from Black Americans were against Donald if that says anything about the audience for this meme being other white supremacists like Donald.

More than anything, it expresses Donald’s irrational stereotypes and blatantly white supremacist framework for his violent delusions and his following and trumpeting of other white supremacists on social media.  

In analyzing the above image, the approach of the propaganda one could assume is undoubtedly aggression and military drab of a hardened gang member. Clearly, the figure is also a Black male, acting as a stereotypical symbol for racist sentiment against Blacks. The post intentionally and fraudulently paints an image of Blacks as violent criminals.

Perhaps the most absurd notion is that the source does not exist; there is no San Francisco crime statistics bureau. Again implying that this occurs in a predominantly leftist community of San Francisco. The imagery and false statistic is no small mistake; the meme is carefully ochestrated propaganda.

In nazi Germany the inverted red triangle was used to mark political prisoners.

Image credit: Dachau Badges Poster. Image courtesy of USHMM via Holocaust Memorial Day Trust.​​​​​​​

Nazis used this symbol to designate political prisoners, and the red triangle was used in the same manner as the Star of David. Without a doubt, this is perhaps one of the most disturbing creations of Donald's campaign against protestors(Antifa, BLM specifically). The intended audience is, without a doubt, white nationalists and fascists within the United States specifically.

            This is perhaps the most terrifying one for me as I openly participate in and support Anti-fascist action, LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter(basically what is the axis of evil to the right these days). The concept is, without a doubt, a disturbing reapplication of antiquated hate imagery directed at those aware of white nationalist dog whistles. At the time, Donald was relocating much of the country's national guard around the nation's capital democratic cities and had built a small following of armed far-right white nationalists.

The intent could be well intentioned ignorance the public could suppose. Though after my investigation I suppose that would be about as likely as pigs flying tomorrow. The nazis did not accidently create there class structure or propaganda nor would any other fascist.

            It would seem a few racist dog whistles, and the good old boys come running to show their support. Though Donnie may not have been the first president to openly use neo-fascist or white nationalist ideals in his rhetoric and views, he may be the sloppiest or most direct about it in recent history by any government.

Perhaps this is reading to far into this and the red triangle is simply a failed advert. That would be convenient enough excuse for the Don though it does not explain why the post shared was also 88 words eluding to a white nationalist symbolism ran 88 times on fourteen pages.

“14 88


1488 is a combination of two popular white supremacist numeric symbols. The first symbol is 14, which is shorthand for the "14 Words" slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The second is 88, which stands for "Heil Hitler" (H being the 8th letter of the alphabet). Together, the numbers form a general endorsement of white supremacy and its beliefs. As such, they are ubiquitous within the white supremacist movement - as graffiti, in graphics and tattoos, even in screen names and e-mail addresses, such as  Some white supremacists will even price racist merchandise, such as t-shirts or compact discs, for $14.88.

The symbol is most commonly written as 1488 or 14/88, but variations such as 14-88 or 8814 are also common.”

Anti Defamation League


In this case, the Star of David is shared by Donald with money in the background; perhaps at this point, it shows that much of the memes Donald himself views is circulated by white nationalist groups. The president's feed is likely so rife with white nationalism that he may even be obliviously acting out of a senile sense of egoism, a reaffirmation of his views and purpose. The intended target audience, in this case, is again republican voters.

 The imagery would likely offend the average leftist, and definitely offend Jewish people. The add is also superimposed on fox news(who stated in court they are not news, just rightwing humor). If fox news is just joking commentary, why is no one laughing?

   Using a Star of David stamped over an image of money is too obvious an elude to communicate the message that the Jewish people control Hillary Clinton. Conspiracy born from the far-right history of nazi and neo-fascist views. The Donald’s US based fringe extremist group Qanon has a constant history of supporting nazi ideals, saying there is an international Jewish globalist conspiracy. The Republican base has become more extreme over time resulting in the mainstreaming of antisemitism that predominates the messaging. The understanding of symbolism and messaging could only be understood by two groups of audience members those who are aware of the dog whistles because of opposition and those who are aware because of support; in this case, the intended audience is the latter.

“I know racism when I see it,” (Rep. John Lewis) of Georgia, whose skull was fractured at the 1965 “Bloody Sunday” civil rights march in Selma, Alabama. “At the highest level of government, there’s no room for racism.”

Twitter is, in a way, Donald’s main meme generator without images, as Memes don't have to have images. In every tweet, trump creates a meme and, in a way, tells just as much, if not more even, than the coded images do about his beliefs. Donald during his presidency created roughly 25,000(really) tweets. 

Donald is also big on supporting anti-Asian or anti-Chinese sentiments, which became offensively clear after repeatedly calling coronavirus china-flu or even kung-flu. The republican base seems wildly confused at the moment as they appear to be blaming China for the coronavirus while denying it even exists. The cult of donald known as the anti-vaxxer/Qanon community is relatively the same group for the most part. donald constantly furthers the viewpoint of China as a member of the axis of evil secretly vying for world domination.

When Donald lays the failure of the United States to confront the Covid-19 epidemic at the feet of the Chinese people it is no mistake. Rather a not-so-clever political ploy to attribute the guilt of a failing health care system in the United States to some sort of foreign Asian conspiracy. The United States has a consistent history of targeting people of Asian descent.

There was a time with many Japanese internment Camps when people are still alive today and remember being wrongfully targeted by the American government. Then we should also consider the Chinese exclusion act. To a government and media with a clear history of hysterical imagery that still to this day attacks the people of Asia with racist propaganda. Despite the archaic abuses and racist falsehoods of such systemic oppression; the Donald campaign must produce, the propaganda required to facilitate a return to those systems.

Clearly, in modern propaganda, the government lies that are observed have found a new home. Social media and the Meme War has provided fertile ground for a new breed of propaganda to arise. There it has given rise to a self-generating self facilitating propaganda ecosystem in which lies spread faster than truth and propaganda has become as much generated by the public as the state.

The singular examples above of such grotesque hate speech was tweeted at least 100,000 times in only a few hours. MEME’d into a cultural norm or standard instant propaganda soup...

The image concerns current president Joe Bidens son, Hunter Biden. The rightwing conspiracy groups are convinced that Hunter Biden is part of a child sex trafficking ring. The world already knows Hunter Biden was a drug user for some time, and drug use is not an ethical judgment, whereas child sex trafficking is.

In the case above, Barron is Donald's son, who Donald claims was unfairly targeted during an FBI raid on his property in mar-largo looking for top secret documents. The meme also reaffirms many far-right theories while depicting donald’s family as victimized by a totalitarian leftist government(which he ran?).

The intent is clearly to admonish donald’s guilt in having his house searched for documents Donald shouldn’t have had.

Donnie is probably psychologically doing this without even being aware. Many psychologists have given diagnoses of narcissism in the dons' rhetoric and public interaction.

Continued in World War meme WW2……

Whats a world war without a heaping serving of fascism anyway?

World War Meme, WW1 By: Kyle Davidson

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